Reputation is Built with the Process, Not Instan

August 1, 2016, oleh: nimda-s3

Reputation is not a thing that can be directly owned or built someone instantly. Build a reputation requires a long process with a good performance in the field. Therefore, it is unlikely someone could directly suddenly known to have a good reputation.
It is as it is said Ir. H. Achmad Syauqi Suratno, MM when filling a public lecture UMY Graduate Program entitled “Reputation Management in the Middle of Global Competition” held at the Graduate Building UMY Lt.4, integrated campus in UMY, Friday (29/7).
In a public lecture, Syauqi explained that the reputation is not something that is instant, but something that takes the process a good performance in a field. “Reputation can not be built quickly, quickly it’s called imaging. Reputation should be built with performance, while imaging is only done with the media, “he said.
Syauqi exemplifies the success of Ridwan Kamil. “Examples of real is Mayor Ridwan  Kamil. Ridwan Kamil early in advance as Mayor elekbilitasnya rate of only 4%. But because he’s an architect, she managed to raise good reputation in other fields. He managed to raise elektabilitasnya through its reputation in the field of architecture, by constructing buildings International, Ridwan Kamil managed to build a reputation that is tailored to the needs of the city of Bandung, “he explained.
In addition, he also stressed that the reputation of well managed and maintained properly. “People who maintain the reputation of having to manage the communication pattern. Because reputation is a form of trust. It is directly proportional to distrust. So, the better our reputation, it shapes people’s trust to us is good, “he said.
On the other hand, he also highlighted the Global Changes which change rapidly and can not be predicted. Global change very quickly is of course also affect a person’s reputation. “These changes triggered by globalization, technological advances and deregulation. Changes encourage business patterns to the new landscape. The new landscape will be positioned by stakeholders through format and a different role. And the results expected from the current global changes are Entrepreneurs, Professionals, Scientists, “he said. And he thought to be an entrepreneur, professional or scientist in the midst of global competition today must be coupled with a good reputation, to be recognized also globally.
He further added that global changes occurred also takes the role of educational institutions especially universities. “The university also has a role in global change, namely, identifying the Human Resources global dibutuhan so that it can review the existing learning then replace and improve methods of learning which can lead to Human Resources needed global world,” he added.
In this public lecture was also held yudisium Graduate Program who will graduated 108 alumni consist of: 11 Student Masters of Management, 11 students Master of Islamic Studies, 28 Student Masters of Hospital Management, 22 students Master of Administration, 13 students Master of International Relations, and 12 Students Master of Nursing.