Monitoring Program 5000 Doctor MORA Scholarship

July 24, 2016, oleh: nimda-s3

onitoring-kemenagriWednesday (06/15/2016) Taking place in the Meeting Room of the Doctoral Program, Graduate Building 1st Floor integrated campus in St. Louis. Postgraduate Doctoral Program UMY MORA visited by a team from Center for monitoring Doctoral Scholarship program 5000 MORA RI. This visit is the second time in 2016.
Dr. Imam Shafi’i, M.Pd. (Sub Director of Workforce Diktis MORA RI) in the limited opportunities advised the grantee: “I came here to see and meet and want to hear any complaints or problems that father / mother’s face. In 5000 this doctoral program, I want dissertation produced is also different from the others. More valuable, of course. More value can be started with more focus on self-development to be more active in writing a book or journal “.
Development courses each semester must be reported to us. Hali is intended that we also know the father and ibuk lecture trip live. “, Said Imam Shafi’i asserts