
Prof. Hilman Latief, M.A., Ph.D.

Nama dan GelarProf. Hilman Latief, M.A., Ph.D.
Jabatan Fungsional 
Program StudiS3 Psikologi Pendidikan Islam
Alamat KantorKantor Wakil Rektor Bidang Kemahasiswaan Gedung AR Fachruddin B Lantai 1 Kampus Terpadu UMY Jl Ringroad Selatan, Tamantirto, Kasihan, Bantul
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Scopus ID36602728800
Google Cendekia IDtuWMgkAAAAAJ
Sinta ID5972772&view
Tahun LulusJenjangProgram StudiUniversitas
1999S1IAIN Sunan Kalijaga, YogyakartaStudi Islam
2002S2Center for Religious and Cross Cultural StudiesUniversitas Gajah Mada
2005S2Department of Comparative ReligionWestern Michigan University-the United States of America
2012S3Philosophy of DoctorUtrecht University-the Netherlands


TahunDeskripsiNama Lembaga Pendidikan
2014Alumni Achievement Award Winner of the College of Arts SciencesWestern Michigan University (WMU), USA.
2014Best Lecture Achievement Awardawarded by the Rector of Muhammadiyah University of Yogyakarta.
2012Best Paper and Presentation Award 2012Directorate of Higher Education, the Ministry of Religious Affairs during the Annual International Conference in Islamic Studies
2012Best M.A. Thesis for publication 2012the Directorate of Higher Education, the Ministry of Religious Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia
Bidang penelitian
Mata Kuliah yang Diampu
Introduction to Islam
The Muhammadiyah Movement: History and Ideology
Research Methodology
Management of Islamic Philanthropy
Approach to Islamic Studies
Reading Text
Hibah Penelitian yang Diterima
TahunJudul PenelitianBesar Dana Penelitian dan Institusi SponsorNama Ketua dan Anggota TimURL dari Laporan Penelitian
2017Addressing unfortunate wayfarer: Islamic philanthropy and Indonesian migrant workers in Hong Kong. Penulisan Artikel Ilmiah Skema Insentif Scopus15.000.000 , LP3M UMYHilman Latief, Ph.D. 
2015Philanthropy and “Muslim Citizenship” in Post-Suharto Indonesia. Hibah Penulisan Artikel Internasional5.000.000 , LP3M UMYHilman Latief, Ph.D. 
Hibah Pengabdian Masyarakat Yang Pernah Diperoleh
TahunJudul PenelitianBesar Dana Penelitian dan Institusi SponsorNama Ketua dan Anggota TimURL Laporan Penelitian
Hibah Lainnya
TahunJenis Hibah yang DiberikanBesar Dana Penelitian dan Institusi SponsorNama KetuaURL Laporan Penelitian
2015Post-Puritanisme Islam Modernis di Indonesia. Hibah Penulisan Buku Teks/Ajar10.000.000 , LP3M UMY  
Hak Atas Kekayaan Intelektual
Nama ProdukJenis HAKI (paten/merek/dll)Nomor Sertifikat Hak CiptaLembaga Pemberi Sertifikat Hak Cipta
Kualifikasi Akademis Yang Terkait (Seperti Staf Ahli, Editor, Resensi, Penilai, Dosen Tamu, Posisi Di Universitas, Universitas Luar Posisi Yang Relevan Dengan Kompetensi Dosen)
2005 s/d 2007Asst. of Vice Rector in Student and Alumni Affairs, UMY.
2013 s/d 2017Director of Board of Research, Publishing and Community Development (LP3M), Muhammadiyah University of Yogyakarta (UMY).
2017 s/d PresentVice Rector for Student Affairs and Alumni
Non Akademik (Seperti Keikutsertaan Dalam Organisasi Sosial Kemasyarakatan/ Bisnis/ Pemerintahan)
Nama organisasiLingkup Organisasi JabatanTahun Kegiatan
Maarif Institute for Culture and HumanityNasionalResearch Associate2008 – Current
PB KAHMINasionalDivision of Department of Foreign Affairs2013 – Current
PP MuhammadiyahNationalDivision of Cadre and Human Resource Development (MPK)2005-2015
Muhammadiyah Charity Board (LAZISMU)
Pembicara Dalam Seminar, Pelatihan, Umum Dosen Asisten Teknis Dll
Sebagai Pembicara
TahunJudul Presentasi Nama Forum/Event, Nama PenyelenggaraURL/Link Repository UMY/URL Berita
2005(Speaker/presenter) “The Muslim Puritans in Southeast Asia: The Majlis Tarjih’s Discourse on Religious Pluralism After the 43rd Muhammadiyah Congress,” Crossroads of Faith: Religious Resurgence and New Religious Movements in Southeast Asia, Athens 4-5 March 2005, co-sponsored by Northern Illinois University-Ohio University, OH. 
2005(Speaker/ presenter) “Fight for the Public Sphere: Liberal vis a vis Conservative Muslims (Lessons from Indonesia),” Regional Meeting American Academy of Religion, Midwest Conference, 8-9 April 2005, DePaul University, Chicago, IL. 
2005(Speaker/presenter) “The Resurgence of the Lovers of the Ahl al-Bait: The Identity of the Shi’ite Muslims in the Modern Indonesia,” Muslims and Islam in the Chaotic Modern World: Relations among Muslims Themselves and with Others, AMSS (American Muslim Social Scientist) 34th Annual Conference, September 30-October 2, 2005, co-sponsored by Temple University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 
2006(Speaker/presenter) “Poverty and Social Responsibility in Indonesian Islam: The Prospect and Limits of Muhammadiyah’s Charitable Institutions,” Research Seminar, Religion and Globalization Friend or Foes?, Yogyakarta 23-26 May 2006, co-sponsored by the Center for Religious and Cross Cultural Studies, Gadjah Mada University, and led by Prof. Farid Essack and Prof. Paul Knitter. 
2007(Speaker/presenter) “Searching for the ‘True Islam’: An assessment to the selected Islamic books inside the university-based Halaqah and their impact on youth culture,” International Conference on Muslim Youth as Agents of Change, Batu-Malang, 26-29 November 2007. 
2008(Speaker/presenter), “Religion and Welfare Activism: Philanthropic Associations in Indonesia,” Summer Schools, Religion, Culture and Society at Univerisair Centrum Sint-Ignatius Antwerpen (UCSIA), Belgium, 1st – 8th Sept 2008. 
2009(Presenter/Speaker), “Internationalizing Local Aid: Charity Activism, Social Solidarity and Islamic Movement in Contemporary Indonesia Islam,” presented in the First International Graduate Student Conference on Indonesia, Gadjah Mada University and Academy Professorship Indonesia in Social Sciences and Humanities (KNAW-AIPI), December 1 – 4, 2009. 
2009(Guest Lecture) “Islam in Indonesië” in Indonesiëcursus 2009 held by KITLV on November 6 2009 in Vrye Universiteit, Amsterdam. 
2011(Presenter/speaker) “Islam and Humanitarian Affairs: The Muslim Middle Class and New Patterns of Social Activism,” International Conference on Islam in Comparative international perspective,” (co-)sponsored by Indonesian Young Leader Programmes-Leiden and Center for the study of Islam and societies-UIN Syarif Hidayatullah, Bogor, 26-30 January 2011. 
2010(Invited Speaker), “Medical Charities, Disaster Relief, and Public Healthcare: Faith-based Health NGOs in Post Disaster Aceh and Nias,” International Workshop on Medical Charities in Asia and Middle East, 29 November – 3 December, 2010, Georgetown, Penang, Malaysia. Sponsored by The Hong Kong Institute for Humanities and Social Sciences (HIHSS), The University of Hong Kong. 
2011(Invited Speaker), “The Making of Social Islam: Welfare, Dakwa and Politics,” Symposium on Islam and Muslim Societies, Leiden University Center for Islamic Studies, 23 March 2011. 
Sebagai Peserta
TahunJudul Presentasi Nama Forum/Event, Nama PenyelenggaraURL/Link Repository UMY/URL Berita
2011(Speaker), “How Does the Private Sector Engage Social-Welfare Enterprises?: Corporate (Islamic) Philanthropy in Indonesia,” International Workshop on Charities and Legitimacy of Organizations, Law, Accountability, and Transparency, Bogazici University, Turkey 12-18 December 2011. Sponsored by The Hong Kong Institute for Humanities and Social Sciences HIHSS), The University of Hong Kong. 
2012(Invited Speaker), “Shaping Islamic Humanitarianism: Lessons from Islamic Relief NGOs in Indonesia,” International Seminar on Islam and International Humanitarian Law, Hosted by the Facullty of Shari’a and Law, the State Islamic University-Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta, and co sponsored by the ICRC (International Committe of the Red Cross) and Mizan Publishing, 15 May 2012. 
2012(Invited Guest Lecture), “Islamic Philanthropy and Education,” Post Graduate Program, STAIN Salatiga, 23 October 2012. 
2012(Invited Speaker), “Elderly, Charity, and Religion,” International Workshop on Elderly Society and Development, Co-sponsored by AUSAID, The Asia Foundation, Surveymeter, The University of Indonesia, and Gadjah Mada University, 20-21 November 2012. 
2012(Speaker), “Strengthening Humanity or Serving Congregation? Islamic Charities and Dakwah Movements in a Muslim Minority Island”, Annual International Islamic Studies Conference, IAIN Surabaya and the Ministry of Religious Affairs, 5-7 November 2012. (Awarded Best Paper and Best Presentation) 
2012(Speaker), “Islamic Philanthropy and Community Development,” The Ministry of Religious Affairs, Ciamis-District, West Java, 28 November 2012. 
2012(Speaker), In Search of a New Social Concern for the Public Good: Muhammadiyah’s Philanthropic Activism and Social Entrepreneurship, International Research Conference on Muhammadiyah (ICRM) on “Discourse on the Search for a Renewed Identity of Muhammadiyah for this post Centennial Era,” Sponsored by The University of Muhammadiyah Malang, East Java, 29 November -2 December 2012. 
2012(Invited Speaker), “Encountering Domestic Needs: The Presence of International Islamic Relief Organizations in Indonesia,” International Workshop on Philanthropy, Globalization, and Non State Welfare, the University of Hong Kong, 6-9 December 2012. Sponsored by The Hong Kong Institute for Humanities and Social Sciences (HIHSS), The University of Hong Kong 
2013(Convenor, with Z. Zainal Mutaqin), Conference on Islamic Humanitarianism: Voices and Experiences from Southeast Asia, 26-27 July 2013, co-sponsored by the Graduate School of Muhammadiyah University of Yogyakarta, the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), Dompet Dhuafa, and LAZISMU. 
2013(Speaker), “Establishing Patronage or Promoting Collective Changes? The Political Networks of Islamic Charities and the Politics of Development in Indonesia,” the International Conference on Religion and the Politics of Development: Priests, Potentates and “Progress”, 28 – 29 August 2013, Singapore. 
2013(Speaker), “Philanthropy and Muslim Citizenship in Post New Order Era,” KITLV-IIAS Seminar, Leiden, 18 September 2013. 
2014(Speaker), “Transnational Islamic Charities, Dakwah and Globalization,” Public Lecture (panel with Prof. James W. Morrison-Boston College), co-hosted by the Faculty of Islamic Studies-Muhammadiyah University of Yogyakarta, AIFIS (American Institute for Indonesian Studies), LP3M, and Afkaruna Journal for Islamic Studies, 17 June 2014. 
2014(Invited Speaker), “Islamic Renewal, Philanthropy and Citizenship,” Cosmopolis Conference: The Making of Religious Traditions in the Indonesian Archipelago: History and Heritage in Global Perspective (1600-1940), Gadjah Mada University in cooperation with Leiden University, 20-22 June 2014. 
2014(Invited discussant/contributor), “Conference of 100 year Caritas,” July 2-4, 2014, Vught and Tilburg University, the Netherlands, funded by CORDAID. 
2014(Invited Speaker) Public Lecture on “Islamic Charities, Transnationalism, and Globalization,” Western Michigan University, Oct 23 2014. 
2014(Invited Speaker), “Continuity and Change in the Studies on Islamic Charities in Indonesia,” International Conference: Dynamics of the Studies on Indonesian Islam: Tribute to Karel Steenbrink and Martin van Bruinessen, Pascasarjana Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta November 18-19, 2014. 
2015(Invited Speaker), Guest Lecture at Nanzan University-Nagoya and Sophia University-Tokyo, October 2015. 
2015(Speaker) International Conference on Religion and Development in Southeast Asia, Kyoto University and Consortium for Southeast Asian Studies in Asia, December 12-13, 2015. 
2016(Speaker), Seminar on “Islam and Cultural Diversity in Indonesia,” Muhammadiyah International Forum-, Southampton University, Southampton, UK, June 2016. 
2016(Speaker), Seminar on “Islam and Charities in Indonesia,” Muhammadiyah International Forum, Oxford Center of Islamic Studies, University of Oxford, UK, June 2016. 
2016“Islamic Philanthropy and Sustainable Healthcare Delivery in the Muslim World,” Harvard Medical School, Dubai Global Health Delivery, UEA, August and November 2016.