Open Examination, Di Wardah Achieves Doctoral degree with Predicate Cumlaude

July 23, 2016, oleh: nimda-s3


In the process of education, teacher behavior plays a very important for the personality development of students. Good behavior of a teacher is not only competent and skilled in providing the material in front of the class, but it should be more than that because a teacher is a role model and partner for its students. Teachers should be careful to maintain the attitude, behavior, appearance and speech teacher wherever located. If teachers ignore it, it will have negative implications for the development of student behavior.
It is as expressed by Idi Warsah, M.Pd.I. while delivering results in a trial doctoral dissertation Psychology Islamic Education on Saturday (23/7) in the Meeting Room of the Graduate University of Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta floor 4. In defending his dissertation entitled “Education-Based Rahmah In the Qur’an,” Idi explained that in educational practice, teachers tend to emphasize the intellectual abilities of students and ignore the other aspects in the learning process.
“Currently, teachers are still not able to position itself as an educator and a study partner. When seen in the educational process, one important factor to make a professional teacher is to raise awareness, responsibility, and compassion towards his teachers, so as to create more meaningful learning. For teachers, a good personality is a necessity that must be held, as well as the competencies that set the standard for every teacher in the line of duty and his profession as an educator, “said Idi.
Furthermore, Idi explained that in reference to one study, a good teacher a positive impact on the personality development of students. Adequate competence, attitude was polite, gentle and affectionate becomes inevitable owned by each teacher. “Comfort and keberkesanan pupils on behavior and personality of the teacher will not only be in the student’s motivation to learn, but also will give the distinct impression that students at a later date,” said Idi.
Idi repeat that realities on the ground barely emerged a teacher who had the initiative to improve their competence. This condition can be ascertained from the impact of the central government regulations through sertivikasi program for teachers and lecturers. “With the appreciation of the central government through a certification program for teachers and lecturers, to further limit the teachers and lecturers in sufficient volume targets and learning as a condition for obtaining compensation certification. It seems this policy has robbed sincerity and heart calls every educator to provide a scientific contribution to the students. So that the teacher is difficult to create an atmosphere of learning that is memorable for her students, “he said.
Acting as an examiner among others Dr. Achmad Nurmandi, M.Sc. (Chairman), Dr. Muhammad Azhar, M.Ag (Secretary), Prof. Dr. Muhammad Chirzin, M.Ag. (Promoter), Dr. Muhammad Anis, M.A. (Co-Promoter), Prof. Dr. Siswanto Masruri, M.A., Prof. Drs. Subandi, M.A., Ph.D., Dr. Hamim Ilyas, M.A. and Dr. Arif Budi Raharjo, M.Sc. In the trial of the doctoral promotion, Idi Warsah by decision of the promoter and examiners in the trial successfully achieved the Pass “Cumlaude”. Doctor Idi Warsah is the 29th produced by the Doctoral Program in St. Louis.